Originally Posted By: Kaotic
Originally Posted By: sinij
Short Answer: Enough to reverse concentration of wealth (and power) in too few hands. It isn't how much money top 1% gets (and I realize 1% isn't uniform group), it is how much undue influence that concentrated wealth has on US politics.

Taxation in top bracket should depend on how that income was earned. Bailouts and golden parachutes? Tax the fuck out of it. Small business hitting it big after 20 years of hard work? Minimal tax.

That sir, has nothing to do with the how much they are taxed and everything to do with the corruption in D.C. In fact, what you're describing is exactly how the tax code got as FUBAR'd as it is. They raise the percentage and then cut out loop holes for their buddies who fund their campaigns.


Plus, sinij is also proving the point that the Dem tax policy isnt about growing wealth for those who do not yet have it. Its about taking wealth from those that do. Which really doesnt help anyone.

If you want to punish corrupt bankers who thrive on bailouts, why not just stop bailing them out? No reason to raise tax rates on everyone.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)