Originally Posted By: Cheerio
Originally Posted By: sinij
Alright - here it is...

Boehner agreed to it, and then couldn't deliver.

House Republicans dug in for a year-end standoff Tuesday, scuttling a temporary extension to a payroll-tax break that President Barack Obama called the "only viable way" to prevent a New Year's tax increase.

Can you hear the rumbling sound? This is the sound of Obama's landslide. Republican position, lowering taxes and fiscal conservatism, was sold down the river and only obstructionist shenanigans that pandering to extreme right remains.

How many budgets have been passed under Obama? If you answered "zero" go to the head of the class. I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to nail down Obama going into an election year. If he wants the tax cuts, put them in for a year. Even the hated GW Bush managed to get budgets passed when the Democrats controlled Congress.