The increased taxes wouldnt help anything in any meaningful way, its just the Dems playing class warfare politics.

Budget cuts are good though. Since are borrowing 40 cents on the dollar from china, best bet is to just chop huge pieces. Govt collects PLENTY of money in taxes.

Not raising taxes to appease the marxists makes sense, because its obvious we have a spending problem not a revenue problem. Making it look like we are conceding a point that we need to tax more would be a big mistake. We tax enough.

If we just cut out everything Obama has done, returned to Clinton era entitlements, draw down the military , close a few bases that we dont really need overseas, bring the troops home, and refrain from any more unnecessary wars for a while we would be absolutely fine and able to grow out of our debts.

Its really pretty simple, but the Dems want to make a class warfare statement instead of being sensible and doing what is right for the country. But then again, even though the GOP only does whats right for the country half the time.. I cant think of any time off the top of my head where the Dems did anything that was good for the country.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)