Originally Posted By: sinij
Originally Posted By: Cheerio
50 million people are on food stamps. 3.1 million households receive section 8, earned income tax credit PAYS people for paying their taxes, etc. That has to end.

How do you see it ending and what going to happen to people that rely on it? Do you think they can magically get non-existent jobs in the current economy? Should they just starve to death? Even if they do get a job, do you think minimum wage is survivable wage?

No one should rely on it. There should be no food stamps or section 8 at the federal level at all- they need to end.

The states can decide what level they would like to support non productive person at. For example, in California, we have decided that we should spend about 88% of the state budget on social services (this includes education). Other states choose to spend less. Texas, for example, has a border with Mexico around 6 times as long as California's, yet they have 1/3 of the number of illegal aliens living there. The reason for this, in my opinion, is that illegals are not allowed federal or state welfare in Texas, while they are allowed both in California. California's welfare is also more bountiful.
If illegal aliens can afford to send $20 billion dollars per year back to Mexico, it is because that $20 billion dollars is being subsidized by the US taxpayer.

As for the rest (most) of the people on food stamps: they reason that the number is so high is not because there are more poor people, though there are slightly more, it's because the government made it so much easier to qualify. Same with section 8. In California you can now use food stamps to buy fast food.

How many adults do you think starve to death in the US per year? My guess is that it's near zero. The only people who starve to death or are even malnourished in the US are kids whose parents don't feed them and old people whose caregivers do the same. The number one health problem in the US is obesity, not starvation. And it is even more pronounced in the poor.

As for the magical jobs, well they may or may not appear. A lot depends on other factors. I would suggest that this new Department Obama has created certainly won't help anything; it may get legions of unemployed snitches, whistleblowers, inspectors, bureaucrats and other cockblockers back to work but it's going to be a big damper on any business that actually makes anything. More stuff moving to China, rad.

KGB Darkfall