Originally Posted By: Drakiis
the bottom line of this thread is people want other people to lose their jobs.
You got me. I'm just an evil hatemonger who doesn't want peace, love and puppy dogs for everyone. Or maybe I'm a realist and I know that your socialist utopia will never EVER happen. Its not possible on a large scale.

Originally Posted By: Drakiis
Name calling will earn you no free Kaotic Points for that half off convenience store milk, and making assumptions about me only weakens your point.

The debt is only part of the problem.
Not sure what the first part means. As for making assumptions about your political view points, if it looks like a duck and quacks like one...

The debt really is only part of the problem. However, continuing to spend money we don't have while all the credit ratings agencies are standing on the precipice of downgrading us, while we print money we don't have to give to Greece via the IMF, while the Fed continues to buy our debt with more money we don't have, while the dollar continues its death spiral, while Putin gets set for a military take over of Russia, while Iran tries to start a war with us and with Israel, while China publicly announces that they are expanding their navy to "protect world peace," we should certainly continue business as usual and take care of all the downtrodden by stealing from one citizen to give to another. Here's a question for you. Who will take care of the poor when our country collapses?

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