Originally Posted By: sinij
You are not a realist, you are an astroturfed turkey that swollowed propaganda whole, without questioning or understanding logical conclusion to it; you think you are asking for fiscal conservatism but instead you are enabling oligarchy. Plus nobody here is asking for "socialist utopia", we simply don't want to live in your cronyistic dystopia and unlike you we have connected the dots.
I came to my conclusions long before the Tea Party came to be so even if your assertion that it is astroturf is true, then it doesn't apply to me. Nice try. You fail again.

For the record you've now implied that I'm stupid and implied that I'm ignorant and you've started name calling. Lest you forget that's a tactic that you've accused the rest of us of repeatedly. So, without any facts to support your claims, and lacking any of the numbers we've repeatedly asked you for I'm going to leave you to your arguments with anyone still willing to suffer the verbal abuse you so readily dispense. Oh, and I'm going to call you a name, you hypocrite.

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