Having said all of that, if you're working for the government and the best job you can get afterward is flipping burgers at McDonald's then perhaps you were an overpaid leech with no skills to begin with.

While I was at the Postal Service I seen it both ways. There were several people with a lot of education that could make just as much money using their degree's as sorting mail using a machine. However there were more that could barely read or speak in complete sentences without using slang or whatever gibberish they were talking.

I acquired a skilled labor while I was in high school through Vocational Technical Training. I'm using that skill now and it seems there's HUGE lack in skilled labor. I can just about go to any place where there's manufacturing and get a job welding. With my experience I could ask for top pay and most likely get it because of the lack of people wanting to get into the welding field. Plus I have 12 years of Flux core and hard wire welding as well as 6 years of Submerged Arc welding 1/8 inch wire.

If they allow that Keystone pipeline to come through, I can go get more pipe welding training. Then get in line for the $150K a year pay. That's what they are paying for experience field pipe welders.