Originally Posted By: sinij
Then start suggesting ways to make "gas station workers and burger flippers" a survivable wage occupation. You know, like affording health insurance that won't be offered with minimal wage shit jobs.
The hard truth is, if this is all you can do, then oh-fucking-well. Get two jobs. I've done it. Hell I've had three at one time because that's what it took to feed myself. If someone isn't willing to work then he doesn't get to eat, period, end of story. If this hurts your feelings or makes you want to run crying to your mommy, then so be it. The truth hurts. Life's not fair. Even our poorest citizens are the wealthiest 1% of the world.

Originally Posted By: sinij
You are funny man. What do you think will happen to teachers, police, border guards and all other "some bureacrats" if you cut their jobs in this economy?
This is the same false argument that Drakiis just made and was refuted. I'm not the one living in rainbows and unicorns land. Perhaps the border guards are federal employees, but since the government puts them in prison and grants immunity and citizenship to the criminals when the guards try to do their jobs, I'd imagine most of them would rather work elsewhere anyway.

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