Originally Posted by Owain
All the things he promised to do during the campaign, no doubt.

What a yuuge surprise.

In some cases yes, in some cases no. Seems like his supporters don't know or care either way. Which is, honestly, somewhat typical these days.

I suppose the irritating part is that so many of his supporters defend any and everything he does, even though I know the vast majority of them weren't supporting him because they wanted the particular brand of idiocy we are getting. No one was volunteering for the Trump campaign, or sending him money, because they said to themselves "we need to bring back the most spectacular policy failures of the 80's and 90's" nor did he get support because he wanted to hand the country to Goldman Sachs. Quite the contrary, regarding the latter.

If Trump had told the world that he was going to hand the financial reigns of govt to the same organization that had been bribing and handling Crooked Hillary, I rather think he would have gotten quite a few fewer votes.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)