Sessions may or may not have an illicit Russian connection, but the man shouldn't be let out of the insane asylum, let alone anywhere near power. He committed perjury. Others who have done the same should also be held accountable, and often haven't been. But still, Sessions should be held accountable, regardless. If nothing else than to save us from his psychosis. He's either a literal 5th column, or else one of the stupidest men to ever draw breath, and more dangerous than truckload of explosives.

He's also not even remotely conservative, but rather the exact opposite. Real conservatives believe in the Federal Govt not intentionally mucking about and screwing with normal people, and instead focusing the Federal on policing and keeping the other, lesser branches in line and on their toes. Sessions believes the 180 opposite, that local law enforcement should have no oversight, and that the Federal Govt should spend endless amounts of money and effort finding ways to fill up for-profit prisons on lame pretexts.

Not since Himmler has a Western nation been forced to suffer depravity on the level of Sessions.

Last edited by Derid; 03/03/17 12:32 PM.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)