Originally Posted by Owain
Originally Posted by Sini
Originally Posted by Owain
It seems to me that everything you bring up boils down to continued election butthurt.

In case you happen to suffer from amnesia, Derid is well right of center. Your "sore loser" rebuttals make no sense, Derid's team (or what passed for it these days) won the election.

Derid, welcome to getting RINOed for not being authoritarian enough. It is yet another low point for GOP. I'd be gleefuly taking pleasure in this if Dems weren't such SJW-infested shit-show right now.

There are plenty of #NeverTrump Republicans who remain butthurt from the election. It is a derangement syndrome not confined to the left alone.

Derangement syndrome?

Yeesh. Who would've thought that holding to actual traditional conservative principles would one day get you labelled deranged by the President's strain of GOPer, who are incidentally incapable of articulating their own principles, or expounding on their favored policies.

Both parties are looking less and less like political organizations, and more and more like dangerous cults.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)