On the one hand, the NYT is a sad shadow of its former self. Hard to call it the Paper of Record anymore, though it isn't the worst out there. WaPo is currently much better in my view.

On the other hand, Trump and his group is showing quite a bit of weakness and general ineptitude by not even being able to deal with people who might write things they don't like. I mean, seriously. When you block the BBC - The BBC! - from your pressers, you know you're dealing with a thin skinned, incompetent buffoon.

Dictator move? Eh, that's a bridge too far. But it certainly showcases massive weakness and ineptitude. A real man would face his critics without fear, and not be forced into frightened, emotional reactions in the face of disagreement.

We can only hope that cut off from getting first take from access events, and unable to be among the first to do a lazy spin and regurgitate, that the excluded outlets will get mad enough to spend some resources on doing some real journalism instead. It might be a blessing in disguise, as nothing that Trump says means jack or shit anyhow. Focus on what Washington is actually doing, we'll all be better off.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)