Originally Posted by Wolfgang
Originally Posted by Goriom
It's just funny that all the things Republicans have been crying about are being done by Republicans. It's as if anyone who seeks the power of a cushy government job is somehow corrupt and both sides of the coin are equally retarded. It's just the Republicans turn to go full retard on this country, I doubt it will last past 4 years before we have the Democrats going full retard again.

By the way, Life Long New Yorker here, can confirm Donald Trump is a scam artist, malcontent, narcissist who doesn't really give a shit about you. I don't get how you guys can't see past the phoniness. Maybe It's just that I had more time to know who he really is?

What about the phony Democrats I can name one... Chuck Schumar. He along with many in congress right now need a good dose of TERM LIMITS. I know Trump is an asshole. But so are the Democrats. This whole Russian thing with Sessions... it's some horse shit. He like MANY Senators including about 30 Democrats to be exact had also met with Russian Ambassadors and many from other countries while HE was a Senator. McCaskell the Missuour senator said she never met with the Russian AMB. Yet there'sa fucking photo of her sitting in a meeting with him on her twitter account. Call me stupid but I thought Senators meeting with Ambassadors from other countries was how we get a long with other countries. Stupid Idea right?

It's not like Sessions sold guns to the Drug Cartel, then preceded to LIE to congress about it. Only to never be charged with doing so.

I mean we can go on and on about either side being shitty. It's going to go nowhere.

For example, Jeff Sessions used his own senate re-election campaign funds to pay for the RNC trip where he met the Russian ambassador. There are funds appropriated to senators for these trips but instead he choose to use his own money? It's because he was there as a Trump surrogate speaking with the Russian ambassador, hence he lied to congress. That is called perjury.

(Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/jeff-s...epublican-convention-expenses-1488509301) - WSJ

When Clinton lied about getting a BJ in the office, republicans were stroking out to get him impeached and thrown out. Why is there this hypocritical double speak now that Sessions committed perjury?

Honestly, I hope you are not getting your info from /r/the_donald. They only peddle in 4chan conspiracies and use sources like Brietbart and inforwars.


1) I am also disgusted on how easily people forgot how the republican congress treated Obama for such a long time.

2) I also want to go on record with you guys as to why I think Trump has a very valid Russian connection. His name is Rex Tillerson and they will do anything to get at the oil that's up there in the Russian Arctic. Trumps administration is going to make themselves very rich over the next 4 years.

“Donald Trump doesn’t want to drain the swamp, he wants to drill in it,” - Senator Ed Markey

Last edited by Goriom; 03/03/17 11:18 AM.