Raekwon is basically stating what I mentioned in my post. Once you've witnessed the rest of the world firsthand, it gives more perspective toward the US and how great it can be, but also more insight into seeing its flaws.

How that statement can possibly hold no water is ludicrous.

I believe that the Government in some areas telling us we can't smoke in bars or restaurants is a good thing for everyone. So is eliminating transfats and hydro or partially hydrogenated oils from restaurants. Personally I believe strongly against being "frogs in the boiling pot" but I can't see how not smoking in a restaurant or not being able to stop your heart with hydrogenated oil is infringing on your REAL rights. In fact, you're giving more rights to those who cherish better health, which can hardly be a negative thing, and you're giving people with bad health habits something to think about.

In most other circumstances, however, I believe the government should take a back seat and simply act as protector of our nation. That's just it; with each circumstance, a different viewpoint and code of conduct may be needed. The situation should dictate the resolution - comparing gun control to smoking control is like comparing Apples to Potatoes. Each situation need be handled differently.

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[Linked Image from nodiatis.com]