
Let me take this opportunity to respectfully say that you are full of shit. And I'm not shy about saying it.

We are over in the middle east because members of that 7th century throw back of a religion known as militant Islam wants to plunge the world into flame, and either convert or kill everyone on the planet. If you and your buddies would take less time holding hands, singing Kumbaya, and fretting about everything that is wrong with America, and start worrying about the Islamofacists sawing your head off, and throwning a burka over your sister, your mother, you would be ahead of the game.

It's pretty stupid to be worrying that America has lost sight of the values it was founded on when we are at war with an ideology that wants to destroy those values, and impose it's own ideology in it's place.

With all due respect, pull your head out of your ass.

To the everlasting glory of the infantry...

Owain ab Arawn
KGB Supreme Knight
King's High Council