Crimthan, this is in no way an anti-America movement. I love America, and that's why I want to fix it. Honestly, I'm afraid that the course we're on now will have us nuked within 10 years, and before I was inspired to take action, I just wanted to leave the country. This is an attempt to battle politicians that threaten our freedom, not to remove them from power or make them look bad. These people were put in power to help us, and that's what they should do, but how can they if they are guessing about what we want?

My bluntness in choice of words was likely my blood pumping at 4am over this idea. It's not a political movement, it's not an overthrow of government. It's a free education system that will encourage and allow people to voice their opinions to the government in a way that makes people feel like it's useful.

Until I was inspired to do this my dad would ask me every night "Why don't you do something about the country? It's slowly going to shit and YOU'RE the youth, YOU'RE the next generation." My response was always similar; "I don't know how." or "Nothing I could do would change anything." But now I have an idea, and when I have ideas the answer is go big or go home. I'm not so interested in making small changes here in my home town, as they have so little to do with the way things actually work; I want to impact the entire country.

Here in NY they passed a law a few years ago that banned smoking from all public facilities, including restaurants and bars. Bars that didn't serve food and could prove that not having smokers inside was ruining business could get a special permit to allow smoking there again, but I specifically know about some local businesses that were not eligible for a permit that took a fair hit in their business. I didn't write about this in my original post because I had linked the article by Fred Reed that explained it very well.

It's problems like that that I want to fix; I want to prevent the loss of our freedom, and potentially reclaim some of what has been lost. First, though, the people of this country need to understand that our view on freedom is skewed. Non-smokers didn't gain the freedom to go to a smokeless bar, they always had that freedom, but now smokers have lost their freedom to go to a bar that they *can* smoke in.

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