A few of my friends and I have been discussing the problems with America, and it started with a discussion of how we shouldn't be in the Middle East forcing 'ideas' onto a nation in turmoil. When I say 'ideas', I mean we shouldn't be there trying to manipulate their nation and their peoples into a nation formed on ideas. The is the only nation truly formed on ideas to date (all other nations and countries, to my knowledge, have been result of politics and war). These ideas we were founded on came from within ourselves, in an almost spiritual kind of way, so passionate that it was strong enough to form such a great nation; these feelings and ideas cannot be pushed onto a people.

So my point.

America, as some would say, has lost sight of these ideas it was founded on. However, the ideas are still very popular, the problem is that the battles our forefathers fought to ensure these ideas would become realities are now in vain. Our freedom is no more. We're dictated by the government which we think we put into power, while in reality we have virtually no say over who is in office (of higher positions, at least; local/town government is another story), and it's our general disposition to allow things to go on as they are, with the occasional vent at best. And this all goes beyond politics as well and buries itself deep in today's American culture and society.

It has become the goals of many people to dictate the lives of other people, for no obvious reason other than 'because they can'. An AMAZING example of this can be found here: http://www.lewrockwell.com/reed/reed28.html

I'm extremely passionate about my desire to stand on my metaphorical soap box and help to open the eyes of the public to the fact that their 'freedom' is similar to the situation in the Middle East, where the idea of being free is present, but no one actually grasps it or even understands what 'free' is.

Please read the article I link above and post your comments. I am considering spearheading an activist campaign towards publicizing the truth about our 'freedom' and helping to move towards real freedom. As only a small group of people (my friend and I) who are almost ALWAYS on the same page on our thoughts, I am reaching out to the KGB for people interested in helping us brainstorm on the points of our society that prevent us from being free, and how to bypass or dissolve these points.

If I can generate enough interest between various message boards and direct contact with people who are obviously interested in this same issue (the author of the article I linked, etc...) I will register a domain and host forums for our brainstorming and discussion. I'll ask people to help design fliers to post everywhere available, and guidelines for people to speak out at town meetings. I'd also like to give a write-up of ideas to write both local and federal government about.

In short, our voices need to be heard!

[Linked Image from zandadev.com]