OK, I read the editorial in the link you supplied. I think the guy overstates the case a bit, but on the whole, yeah, there are a lot of blue noses running around who want to try to live your life for you. Personally, I frequently adivise people to "Mind Your Own Goddamn Business" when they try to pull that crap on me, but when the local goverment writes it into the laws, you are kind of screwed.

This, however, is nothing new. The meddlers at one time were so influential that they managed to get a no kiddin' Amendment to the Constitution of the United States officially to sanction such foolish busy body meddling (prohibition). The fact that prohibition was such an abject failure, and a subsequent a Amendment was necessary to repeal it should serve as a case study advising these nanny-staters against further exercises in stupidity.

It could be worse. I could live in Massachusetts...

But it's a free country. If some folks want to indulge in self inflicted wounds like this, then that is my first clue that I don't want to live anywhere as screwed up as that. So, if the people of Illinios want to make owning firearms a crime, then I'll move out west where concealed carry is common and accepted. Maybe that's why I live in Utah, and not New Hampshire.

But far from a sign of what's wrong with America, that is a sign of what makes America great. People get to choose what they want, even if it's something stupid. Hopefully, sooner or later they will figure the stupid parts and keep the good parts, but if your local community wants to go 'San Francisco' on you, move to Texas. This is a big country, and no doubt there are parts of it where you and the folks that live there can see eye to eye, and you don't have to put up with too much nonsense like this.

On the whole, I'm far less worried about this than I am about Iran, and the whole Global War on Terrorism thing.

Gotta have priorities...

To the everlasting glory of the infantry...

Owain ab Arawn
KGB Supreme Knight
King's High Council