Reasons to support the opening statement:

1. America is now extremely focused upon both Capitalism and Co-Dependency. If you want to take this on a political-witch hunt, then I'll mention the parties involved for both (generally speaking). Extremes of Capitalism = Republicans. Extremes of Co-Dependency = Democrats. Having a hard focus on both of these leads to ultimate control of others and in a nation originally founded by; those favoring freedom of taxation, free enterprise (not to be confused with corporate conglomerates), the Right to Bear Arms (civilians having access to means to defend themselves against a potentially tyrannical government), etc; there is a large amount of inconsistency and lost vision in existence today. This leads me to:

2. The nation is currently in a Bi-Polar state, and has been so for far too long. You have one party in power swinging to one extreme to "correct" what the previous opposing party did, then you have the situation in vice versa 8 years later. This seesawing effect is not only confusing to the youth of the nation, but also neglects that which creates justice to begin with: Balance. When you consider Left wing or Right wing, don't place them in a linear fashion - nothing is truly "Linear" in life. Instead, place both political parties on a circle. You begin at the top center, but if you go to the extreme right and left on this circle simultaneously, they hopelessly collide at the bottom. Both extremes of conservatism and liberalism are similar and meet together on the opposite end of the circle than where you began; meaning that in extremes, both parties create the same amount of destruction and control over the people. When there is Balance, everything is centered. The only parties I've found to be somewhat concerned with balance are independent, but with the young country of America's current childish view of "Black and White", there aren't enough people to see this important enough to break the mould.


Reason's to question and be careful the opening statement of the thread, especially:


I am considering spearheading an activist campaign towards publicizing the truth about our 'freedom' and helping to move towards real freedom.

1. America is in a fragile predicament right now and needs Unconditional Nationalistic and Patriotic support to see it survive, regardless of its mistakes. Personally, I believe it has little to do with any one individual currently in power and more with the crash course America has been heading due to it's bi-polarity. This leads me to:

2. Supporting the Nation while changing it from within in a thoughful way. Egypt has been doing this for a while. Unlike many of its neighbors, the Egyptians are looking inward and developing themselves intellectually to strengthen their nation, rather than grabbing weapons and turning to terrorism. The best way to change the leadership in our nation to find balance is through college and forums. Become a professor, giving students factual information with little to NO political inuendos. In my time at the University of Wisconsin, I came into contact with far too many unprofessional professors preaching and cramming extreme hippy/socialistic ideas into their lessions while simultaneously losing sight of the big picture: That our nation needs not strive against itself, but against polarity. To do this, Speak with balance and moderation in forums where people meet. Any activist going to extremes, aiming for the goal of one party or another, or for freedom with no real solution will NOT be taken seriously.

Karl Marx believed that the only way to change the government and leadership of a nation was through violent overthrow and uprising. I believe he was sadly mistaken. If such a thing were to happen within America, all of us within the United States who ARE enjoying countless freedoms and are taking it for granted, would be led to suffer too much, and at the hands of a foreign nation.

If you're truly looking to help America your first step is to leave America on a tour for a while, and see the rest of the World to gain a broader and more experienced perspective. While America has its faults, it still is a great place to be.

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