"No, you do not have to think; it is an act of moral choice. But someone had to think to keep you alive; if you choose to default, you default on existence and you pass the deficit to some moral man, expecting him to sacrifice his good for the sake of letting you survive by your evil."

John Galt - Atlas Shrugged

We both know the majority of those jobs are not filled with people doing the best they can do. If they were then they would be happy to have that job. They would not be unionizing to demand higher wages than their skilled counterpart.

I worked at similiar jobs for several years during high school and my freshman year in college. I know from my own experience the type of people who *limit* themselves to these types of jobs. They are not the noble hard working victims that politicians and newspapers make them out to be. Nothing like sitting around the kitchen listening to people educate each other on how to game the system for more welfare and entitlements while stealing steak rolls out of the freezer to sell to a gas station up the road. *actually happened* I do not want to cater of those who made the choose to default and pass the deficit along to moral men.

I started out building docks for a guy when I was 13. I had to work with a pile driver that weighed almost as much as I did in a nasty ass swamp to complete that job. After that I worked numerous positions in several restraunts. Nothing like coming home covered with grease at 12 from a job no one appreciates you doing. I finally got hired on as a iron worker during college. I spent 2 summers burning up in a nasty ass plastic plant while risking death and dismemberment to build iron structures. I finally got through college and landed a few tech jobs which were actually worse than my previously listed jobs. I ended up doing tower equipment installation and dangling off of 200+ foot towers to install various equipment for a few more years. I finally landed a cozy job as a network technician for a bank. I say all of this because I have been through the meat grinder and know what it is like.

I met a few excellent hard working Americans during that time who were doing their best and happy to be employed at these same places. You are correct that those type of people exist but Sini they are a diamond in the rough. I defend the minimum wage and similiar programs because of those few people. Those people were in need and appreciated society giving them a chance to live a normal life. I am glad we had this conversation because I had forgot about most of those people.

If mediocrity is a necessary evil within society then lets try to limit it as much as possible instead of catering to it. Lets not pat the people who *limit* themselves on the back and tell them they are doing the best they can.

That same attitude is what is ruining the American education system. It will have the same effect on our economy if we allow it.

Last edited by Sethan; 04/09/13 02:08 PM.