Originally Posted By: sinij
Cross this, nativity scene that.. who really cares? What we care about is when you start trying to write your religious morals into law. Like legislating against abortions, gay marriage and so on. Thing is - both are attacks on separation of church and state, and we have to religiously (heh) enforce it or one will be used as a backdoor for another.

Now imagine if instead of Christianity, dominant religion in US was Islam. Imagine if a bunch of southern social conservatives were pushing Sharia law and mandatory hijab instead of anti-abortion and anti-gay agenda. All of these are morals based on religion being pushed via legislation. Would you be as relaxed about this?

lets see, where to start. ok first i dont care about gay marriage, and my only concern with abortion is that it is a "right". its not a right, at least not under the constitution because the constitution doesnt mention abortion. btw it doesnt mention marriage either. what that means is that states may legalize it. so i reject the whole premise of found rights.
on the other hand, the constitution (or declaration rather) says we have the right to life, liberty etc. does the baby have constitutional rights or not? if so, when? if not, when does it aquire them?
on the other hand people who have abortions would probably be shitty parents so maybe society is better off. who knows

regarding islam. first, we wouldnt be having this conversation since islam is backward, and i cant think of a single worthy contribution an islamic nation has made to the world since the middle ages. by the way, that worthy thing i mean is the fact that they preserved the knowledge of ancient greece. so it was pretty passive. the whole reason western civilzation is ahead of the world is due to our heritage of reason and our laws, and religion is a major part of that. so your fantasy of the taliban in the south is just a fantasy.

finally, you seem to imply that i and my imaginary coreligionists want to take something away. only liberals want to take things away, havent you noticed? who was behind all these bans:
huck finn
religious displays
school prayer
happy meals (in san fran)
smoking anywhere
trans fats
drilling for oil
fireworks (in CA)
free speech (ie political correctness)

and im sure theres more. think about it. are you on the side of freedom or the side of control? also notice that every lost freedom was decided by scumbag judges or bureacrats. not one was put to the will of the people. that, my friend, is tyranny. and it is much more worrysome than rednecks

KGB Darkfall