Originally Posted By: Helemoto
It's fun to talk to people that can't control their feeling.

And thanks for letting me know that only Republicans believe in God and Democrats do not.

When you only go after one party all the time you make yourself look stupid.

I should correct myself, when I have been saying stupid I really was saying ignorant.

Actually, Moto, you are right. Stupidity means you always think you are right, like out pal S here. He KNOWS how everything happened. He has faith!

My policy has been to question everything. If Einstein and Newton were not atheists, maybe it bears examining.

To Derid's point- wholeheartedly agree. This actually IS a philosophical discussion and we really shouldn't be politicizing science. The problem is that we have a knee jerk culture, pretty much split and each side is trying to gain an advantage. Science gets dragged into the culture war where it really doesn't belong.

School districts are local; curriculum is provided by the state. It is ultimately up to the voters to decide what will be taught, and yes, THEY are paying for it too! Liberals despise one-man one-vote so they run to the nearest commie judge they can find to impose their will on the voters. Very sad they we have allowed this to happen

KGB Darkfall