The Common Good

"We demand that the State shall make it its primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens."
Fidel Castro
John Edwards
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Adolf Hitler

"Our individual salvation depends on our collective salvation."
Jesus Christ
Ivan Pavlov
Barack Obama
Mao Zedong

"It's time to put the common good, the national interest, ahead of individuals."
Adolf Hitler
Hillary Clinton
Benito Mussolini
Mao Zedong

"Our nation can achieve permanent health only from within on the basis of the principle: The common interest before self-interest."
Joseph Stalin
Adolf Hitler
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama

It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few, and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."
Vladimir Lenin
Abraham Lincoln
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton

"All individuals or groups are relative, only to be conceived in their relation to the State."
Karl Marx
Joseph Stalin
Benito Mussolini
Hillary Clinton

"It's only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential."
Jim Jones
Kim Jong Il
Barack Obama
Adolf Hitler

"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good. "
Hillary Clinton
Vladimir Lenin
Adolf Hitler
Robin Hood

"The world needs a new moral architecture... I believe that this should be the first topic to debate in our world of today, ethics, moral."
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
John Edwards
Hugo Chavez

"I am a fan of the social policies that you find in Europe."
Idi Amin
Pol Pot
Saddam Hussein
Hillary Clinton


"Personal enrichment from war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. We demand therefore the ruthless confiscation of all war profits."
Diane Feinstein
John Edwards
Hillary Clinton
Adolf Hitler

"The war in Iraq makes millions of dollars for big corporations, either weapons manufacturers or those working in the reconstruction, such as Halliburton and its sister companies. "
John Edwards
Hillary Clinton
Osama bin Laden
Noam Chomsky

"We hope that the great United States of America does not continue to use its enormous resources, especially its military might, to destroy human life on earth."
Hillary Clinton
Jimmy Carter
Idi Amin
Al Gore

"I don't oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war."
King Leonidas of Sparta
George Washington
Barack Obama
Napoleon Bonaparte

"The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism."
Karl Marx
Barack Obama
Noam Chomsky
Ramsey Clark

"We must confront the privileged elite who have destroyed a large part of the world."
Al Gore
Hillary Clinton
Hugo Chavez
Karl Marx

"There had to be a hysteria and a fear sent through America in order to get increased war budgets."
Al Gore
The New York Times
Daily Kos
Julius Rosenberg

"It is crystal clear who benefits from igniting the fire of this war and this bloodshed. They are the merchants of war, the bloodsuckers who run the policy of the world from behind the scenes: President Bush and his ilk, (and) the media giants."
Osama bin Laden
Hugo Chavez
Bill Maher
Keith Olbermann

Life in a Democracy

"The trouble with free elections is, you never know who is going to win."
Al Gore
George W. Bush
Hillary Clinton
Leonid Brezhnev

"Crime is a product of social excess."
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Vladimir Lenin
John Edwards

"It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed."
Saddam Hussein
Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Vladimir Lenin

"Any kitchen maid should be able to run the country."
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
Vladimir Lenin
Adolf Hitler

"Can a nation be free if it oppresses other nations? It cannot."
Osama bin Laden
Barack Obama
Luis Farrakhan
Vladimir Lenin

"I hope we will come together as a nation and do whatever it takes to keep guns away from people who have no business with them."
Vladimir Lenin
Hillary Clinton
Fidel Castro
Mao Zedong

"Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"
Hillary Clinton
Adolf Hitler
Joseph Stalin
Che Guevara

"The only way to settle questions of an ideological nature or controversial issues among the people is by the democratic method, the method of discussion, of criticism, of persuasion and education, and not by the method of coercion or repression."
Hillary Clinton
Idi Amin
Barack Obama
Mao Zedong

"We have to build a political consensus, and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own turf in order to create this common ground."
Mao Zedong
Joseph Stalin
Idi Amin
Hillary Clinton


"We demand the extensive development of insurance for old age."
Hillary Clinton
Joseph Stalin
Barack Obama
Adolf Hitler

"We need to be as well prepared to defend ourselves against public health dangers, as we should be to defend ourselves against any foreign danger."
Adolf Hitler
Joseph Stalin
Fidel Castro
Hillary Clinton

"It requires that everybody be covered. It requires that everybody get preventive care."
Che Guevara
Vladimir Lenin
Hillary Clinton
John Edwards

"I had a few ideas about health care, and I've learned a few lessons since then, but I haven't given up the goal."
Fidel Castro
Pol Pot
Adolf Hitler
Hillary Clinton


"The aim of the school must be to give the student, beginning with the first sign of intelligence, a grasp of the notion of the State."
Joseph Stalin
Hillary Clinton
John Kennedy
Adolf Hitler

"Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed."
Mao Zedong
Joseph Stalin
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton

"You young people, full of vigor and vitality, are in the bloom of life, like the sun at eight or nine in the morning. Our hope is placed on you."
Adolf Hitler
Mao Zedong
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton

"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."
Hillary Clinton
Al Gore
Barack Obama
Vladimir Lenin

Capitalism and War of Classes

"Too many people have made too much money."
Karl Marx
Al Capone
Hillary Clinton
John Kerry

"Capitalism leads us straight to hell."
Karl Marx
Paul Krugman
Hillary Clinton
Hugo Chavez

"Mankind is divided into rich and poor, into property owners and exploited; and to abstract oneself from this fundamental division and from the antagonism between poor and rich means abstracting oneself from fundamental facts."
John Edwards
Hillary Clinton
Joseph Stalin
Barack Obama

"I certainly think the free-market has failed."
Hugo Chavez
Hillary Clinton
Karl Marx
Vladimir Lenin

"Capitalists are no more capable of self-sacrifice than a man is capable of lifting himself up by his own bootstraps."
Vladimir Lenin
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
John Edwards

"(We) can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."
Don Carleone
Hillary Clinton
Vladimir Lenin
Mao Zedong

"I am convinced that the path to a new, better and possible world is not capitalism, the path is socialism."
Hugo Chavez
Hillary Clinton
Adolf Hitler
Vladimir Lenin

"We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism."
Howard Zinn
Noam Chomsky
Nikita Khrushchev
Denis Kucinich

"First ascertain exactly the position of the various capitalists, then control them, influence them by restricting or enlarging, facilitating or hindering their credits, and finally (it) can entirely determine their fate."
Hillary Clinton
Paul Krugman
Vladimir Lenin
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"It's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in the entire economy, that they are being watched."
Don Carleone
Chuck Schumer
Vladimir Lenin
Hillary Clinton

"The unfettered free market has been the most radically destructive force in American life in the last generation."
Ethel Rosenberg
Noam Chomsky
Hillary Clinton
Hugo Chavez

"The untrammeled intensification of laissez-faire capitalism and the spread of market values into all areas of life, is endangering our open and democratic society."
Hugo Chavez
Benito Mussolini
Kim Jong Il
George Soros

"There is a serious tendency toward capitalism among the well-to-do peasants."
Hillary Clinton
Hugo Chavez
Mao Zedong
George Soros

"The money has to go to the federal government because the federal government will spend that money better than the private sector will spend it."
Mao Zedong
Vladimir Lenin
Benito Mussolini
Hillary Clinton

Life As Political Struggle

"Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of our party."
James Carville
Al Franken
Arthur Schulzberger, Jr.
Joseph Stalin

"Destroy the family, you destroy the country."
Hillary Clinton
Medea Benjamin
Gloria Steinem
Vladimir Lenin

"Passivity is fatal to us. Our goal is to make the enemy passive."
Al Gore
Mao Zedong
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton

"I will fight against the division politics of revenge and retribution."
Adolf Hitler
Joseph Stalin
Maria de' Medici
Hillary Clinton

"Political work is the life-blood of all economic work."
George Soros
Barack Obama
Mao Zedong
Hillary Clinton

"I am particularly horrified by the use of propaganda and the manipulation of the truth and the revision of history."
Michael Moore
Hillary Clinton
Joseph Stalin
Joseph Goebbels

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth."
Michael Moore
Barack Obama
Vladimir Lenin
Hillary Clinton


"I'm quite modest. I don't want to tell people I'm a leader."
Pol Pot
Al Gore
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama

"Here it comes up again: the glorification of one personality. This is not good at all. I am just like everybody else."
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
John Edwards
Vladimir Lenin

"I want to be a champion for the people I have fought for all my life - regular people."
Robin Hood
John Edwards
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama

"My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism."
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Michael Moore
Karl Marx

"Sometimes people mistake the way I talk for what I am thinking."
Ted Kennedy
Idi Amin
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama

"Why do I have to keep proving to people that I am not a liar?"
O. J. Simpson
Dan Rather
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton

"I never heard any such conversation."
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Sandy Berger
Ethel Rosenberg

KGB Darkfall