Originally Posted By: sinij
Originally Posted By: Derid

Obamacare tried to tell people what they have to do, and that they have to provide money to a private company.

How is that different from purchasing your car's insurance? You have to purchase road coverage and you have to pay it to a private company. No mandatory insurance clause, no highway funds for the states so it is not a states vs fed issue, at least not anymore.

Plus, how would you make an insurance scheme that must not turn anyone down, regardless how sick they are, work if not with mandatory buy-in for everyone?

In any case, I will admit I am surprised. I would never have thought even the most rabid Marxist would have advocated for validation of any scheme that legalized congress forcing people to pay money to any crony industry.

I am as unhappy with the end result as your rabid Tinfoilers crowd. Real reform should have lead to a single player, where "crony industry" part is simply removed from the equation. Instead we got media hysteria where every pundit and Palin bombarded us with soundbites while doing their best to revive Red Scare all over again.

But let look at the facts - Canadian model for example only spends 9% of GDP on health care, to US 15%+, with better overall results. Less child mortality, longer life expectancy and no health insurance job slavery. How is that missing 6% is not an extra-governmental "tax" on everybody?

Canadian healthcare costs. or $3899 per person

US healthcare costs or $7291 per person

Infant Mortality and life expectancy.

You like to talk about inflation effects on personal wealth, how about we talk about ever-increasing health premiums and punitive individual insurance costs stifling small business creation and extracting ever-increasing toll on every household in US?

There is a big difference between providing a basic social safety net, and the types of sweeping cradle-to-grave micromanagement of society and the economy you are advocating.

What cradle-to-grave policies? You think providing affordable and accessible health coverage for the masses so even minimum wager working in WallMart could have coverage is overbearing? Affording to go to see a doctor so people could get better and continue being productive members of society?

FYI - you dont have to drive. In fact I have gone through large periods of my life where I did not have car insurance because I did not own or need a car. I lived close to work, I walked a lot, rode a bike.. didnt pay car insurance.

And yes, unlimited health care is not a right. A cradle to grave system that requires everyone to pay is extremely overbearing, and extremely EVIL. It will lead to the micromanagement of society, if this stands expect in the near future the govt telling you what to eat, what to do or not to do with your own body even MORE than it does now and Big Brother monitoring you at all times for compliance.

Expect health and food and other related industries that are good at lobbying to begin lobbying and bribing officials to make sure everyone HAS to use their product. Expect health witch-hunts, expect different companies and industries to start waging lawfare against each other with tons of bogus claims about how healthy or not-healthy their competition is.

You really havent thought this concept through to the end have you? This is the corporate elites wet dream as well connected Crony Capitalists get the inside word on what the govt will do next, or even lobbying and bribing to shut certain competing companies down.

There is a reason Wall Street still funnels huge dollars to Democrats - where govt treads, opportunity abounds for the corrupt.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)