Originally Posted By: sinij
"Section 8. Clause 1. The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States."
If this was an income tax then why did we need the 16th amendment? The "general welfare of the united states" clearly refers to the country/government upkeep not its citizens. It is clear from the documents that our founders wrote, what they were reading and discussing at the time and their correspondence with each other then and for years afterwards, that they NEVER intended for the government to provide anything other than the security for its citizens to live free and take care of themselves.

Originally Posted By: Sinj
How do you expect to account for your share of road use, your share of policing, your share of research, your share of clean air, your share of military, and your share of complete lack of rioting and looting due to starvation? I have an idea - lets collect a share of everybody income so we can pool money together, we will call this collection a tax, and then you as a member of society benefit from all these 'general welfare' goodies without having to individually pay for them.

Lets drop pretenses and call things by their proper names, you simply don't like paying taxes. Following your illogic any tax on YOU is wealth redistribution, because they take YOUR MONEY away from YOU and YOU don't like it! You know who else doesn't like to pay taxes? Greeks. We know how that story goes.
I have no problem paying taxes to pay for infrastructure and defense. Someone in D.C., who is supposed to be working for me, takes my time and hard word to give to someone else so that he can continue to get elected, THAT I have a problem with.

But while we're on the "your share" kick. Does this mean that since I'm part of the 51% that pay income tax I get to kick the free loading 49% off of the road and tell them they can't use my roads and breath my air? What a ridiculous argument!

While we may not be suffering from rioting for starvation we are certainly suffering the ill effects, all over the country, of rioting because your ilk want what they haven't earned and isn't theirs and they want Uncle Sam to go take it for them and give it to them.

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