Originally Posted By: Wolfgang

Again that's the flaw, GOVERNMENT doesn't CREATE JOBS.

Government does create and destroy jobs. Government creates jobs via defense, education, infrastructure and research spending. Government destroys jobs by creating environment where moving wealth, knowledge and manufacturing to third-world countries for a short-term bottom line gain isn't heavily taxed/discouraged.

Here is example for you:

US technology, that was based on NASA/NH/public education research gets outsourced by a private company to China to save 2% manufacturing costs. Execs get 10 mil bonuses and US lost 1,000 jobs. Private company didn't create this technology in a vacuum. They had access to US educated scientists (GOV money), public research (GOV money) and infrastructure (GOV money) that made that technology possible. So why are they now free to gift this technology to China (that only had to spend fraction of that cost suppressing people to keep labor costs down) while costing jobs at home?!

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