Originally Posted By: Kaotic

1) The wealthiest 10% in this country already pay over 50% of the total taxes.

Is that true?, the article says "where 80% of tax revenues come from taxes on employee relations employee"

Originally Posted By: Kaotic

2) Why would anyone assume that pitting the haves against the have-nots would stop with raising taxes? If a little tax increase is good, why not take all of their money? Where does it stop?

I think the mainpoint is making the rich paying the same as you worker in comparasion: "The New York Times in which she asked that the United States ceased to indulge in the rich tax"

Originally Posted By: Kaotic

3) Historically, our government revenues have INCREASED when taxes have been LOWERED. The reason for this is because when taxes are lower across the board, more people invest their money in business, creating more jobs. More jobs = more tax revenue.

More jobs where? overseas, can you tax the china worker? you get my point.

Originally Posted By: Kaotic

4) As an adherent to the American Dream, I hope one day, through hard work and dedication, to be one of those wealthy people and I don't want the government to step in and take everything I've worked for.

Thatīs a argument of propaganda, nobody wants take your hardwork. cool

Originally Posted By: Kaotic

Stagnation ensues and you get EXACTLY where the US is right now, with jobs being farmed out to less expensive workers who will work harder, because the workers here have become complacent and expectant of riches not earned.

You know that is not true, the china workers will not work harder, they will receive less money for the same hours of the american work.

Last edited by Mithus; 10/13/11 05:59 AM.

Animal Ethics: "I tremble for my species when I reflect that god is just." Thomas Jefferson.
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