Originally Posted By: Mithus
Originally Posted By: Kaotic

1) The wealthiest 10% in this country already pay over 50% of the total taxes.

Is that true?, the article says "where 80% of tax revenues come from taxes on employee relations employee"

CBO reported tax rates The two charts at the top of this page show two things. First that the rich already pay more as a percentage than the rest of the country, and yet the polititards at OWS are yelling for a progressive income tax. Congratulations, you win, we have one! Second, that the wealthiest 20% pay close to 75% of all federal taxes.

Originally Posted By: Mithus
Originally Posted By: Kaotic

2) Why would anyone assume that pitting the haves against the have-nots would stop with raising taxes? If a little tax increase is good, why not take all of their money? Where does it stop?

I think the mainpoint is making the rich paying the same as you worker in comparasion: "The New York Times in which she asked that the United States ceased to indulge in the rich tax"
I'm sure the rich would love to pay the same as say the bottom 20% of the country. I know I sure would, they pay NOTHING in federal income tax. Hell make it the bottom 40%, they pay nearly nothing.

Originally Posted By: Mithus
Originally Posted By: Kaotic

3) Historically, our government revenues have INCREASED when taxes have been LOWERED. The reason for this is because when taxes are lower across the board, more people invest their money in business, creating more jobs. More jobs = more tax revenue.

More jobs where? overseas, can you tax the china worker? you get my point.
Most of our companies would love to be able to put "Made in the U.S.A." on their products, if for no other reason than because many of us would purchase their product exclusively. Unfortunately our ass-backwards tariff system actually penelizes our companies for attempting to do business solely in the US. Look at the current news about Gibson Guitar as an example. They were raided by the government for allegedly illegally importing certain rare woods from Africa (Gibson claims they did everything by the book). They were told by the administration that if they wanted to use those woods all they had to do was relocate part of their manufacturing to Africa, where the wood comes from, because while the import of the raw material is illegal, importing the finished product is not. Gibson refused to ship those jobs overseas and is currently engaged in what will likely become a costly legal battle with the bureaucrats in Washington.

Originally Posted By: Mithus
Originally Posted By: Kaotic

4) As an adherent to the American Dream, I hope one day, through hard work and dedication, to be one of those wealthy people and I don't want the government to step in and take everything I've worked for.

Thatīs a argument of propaganda, nobody wants take your hardwork. cool
What is money if not the representative of my hard work. While I disagree with most of your stances Mithus I could always tell that you put a lot of thought into them. This one falls short.

Originally Posted By: Mithus
Originally Posted By: Kaotic

Stagnation ensues and you get EXACTLY where the US is right now, with jobs being farmed out to less expensive workers who will work harder, because the workers here have become complacent and expectant of riches not earned.

You know that is not true, the china workers will not work harder, they will receive less money for the same hours of the american work.
I was thinking more about the Mexicans who come here to work than the Chinese, but I'll address your point. I've been exposed to many different levels of workforce in this country and I can tell you unequivocally that there is a plethora of people in this country who believe that their jobs are owed to them and they work only so hard as to not get fired. That number increases with every passing generation. Until the Chinese people are free to decide for themselves what job they will do and how they will do it their numbers and virtual slave labor will continue to dominate the market. The only thing, short of war with China, that we can do to address that problem is to put massive tarrifs on goods shipped from China and similar countries so that those products become prohibitively expensive to purchase. Thus driving those products out of the market and negatively impacting the power of China's ruling elite. That's really sad because it should be much easier than that. All the folks who scream about the injustices of the US are probably walking around in clothes and shoes made in China, talking on cell phones made in China with homes filled with products made in China, a country that exploits the weakest among them for the betterment of the ruling class. Do a little research and you will find that there are 10s of millions of people in China who don't even have electricity and who are forced to live hand to mouth because of the oppressive rules of their country.

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