I agree with Derid, you should definitely read Atlas Shrugged. What the article doesn't address Mithus is that we now know that Buffet owes millions in unpaid taxes. Additionally, if he gave away a large portion of his earnings in charitable contributions to lower his tax burden that's a good thing. Not a loophole. Charity dollars are MUCH more efficient in helping the downtrodden than government money ever could be.

To answer you other question, I'm against raising taxes on the wealthy for several reasons.
1) The wealthiest 10% in this country already pay over 50% of the total taxes.
2) Why would anyone assume that pitting the haves against the have-nots would stop with raising taxes? If a little tax increase is good, why not take all of their money? Where does it stop?
3) Historically, our government revenues have INCREASED when taxes have been LOWERED. The reason for this is because when taxes are lower across the board, more people invest their money in business, creating more jobs. More jobs = more tax revenue.
4) As an adherent to the American Dream, I hope one day, through hard work and dedication, to be one of those wealthy people and I don't want the government to step in and take everything I've worked for.

Maybe I can put this is terms easier to understand. You're in school studying the law. I assume that as an intelligent young man who wants to succeed, you're working hard and getting good grades. What would you say if your professors decided that it wasn't fair for a few of you to have A's while your struggling peers have B's and C's and D's and F's. So, the new plan will be that those of you with A's will give 10 points to those with F's to help them out. Now we only have B's and C's and D's, but its still not fair, so the B's will give 10 points to the D's and now everyone, regardless of how hard they work will have a C. All is fair laugh Happy Days!! Except, will you continue to work hard for an A when you know that no matter what you do you're guaranteed a C? I don' think so. That is EXACTLY the same thing that happens when you take money from one group to give to another in the name of "fairness." Productivity and quality plummet because it doesn't matter what I do, I'll never make more or less than I'm making now. Stagnation ensues and you get EXACTLY where the US is right now, with jobs being farmed out to less expensive workers who will work harder, because the workers here have become complacent and expectant of riches not earned.

[Linked Image from i30.photobucket.com]