We should do away with sales tax, implement a flat income tax, and allow all wages to be paid out of employers' EBITDA.

Poor people spend a larger percent of their income to sales tax than the rich do.

For example:
-If you spend your entire paycheck in a week, then you pay out around 8% of your take-home money to sales tax.
-If you can afford to save half of your paycheck every week, then you only pay out around 4% of your money to sales tax.
-If you can afford to save 90% of your paycheck every week, then you pay 0.8% to sales tax - yeah, that's less than 1%.

Setting a flat income tax rate would make it about as fair as it could get...

Allowing employers to pay employee wages out of EBITDA would stimulate job growth by making it less expensive for employers to hire more American workers.

That's my two cents for the evening... I think it would be a hell of a combo. cool

[Linked Image from zandadev.com]