*note* I apologize at the loose grammar, sense of structure and meager ranting this became. It is simply some of my own thoughts related to this movement and the points they are trying to make.. by no means do I think it's wrong in trying to protest what you believe in but it's what these people believe in that get me going.. *

I'm the norm and I knew that having 8 kids and living off government cheese was not only bad, it's embarrassing..

I'm the norm and I knew that taking money in the form of unemployment instead of finding a job was not only bad, it's embarrassing..

I'm the norm and I knew that living off of the taxpayers for my worker's comp case, even while I'm fully able to work, was wrong, it's also embarrassing..

I'm the norm and I knew that if my parents couldn't pay for college I would by working jobs until 1-2am each night to foot the bill..

You see here.. Most of this is a social defect called morals..

When in this country did being a over-extended by credit, flashy have everything, cocky son of a bitch who really didn't need that second speed boat become the norm?

When in this country did being an overweight, cock sucking whore with diabetes get placed on a pedestal?

When in this country did being a lose it all drunk, who beats his wife and kids get placed on a pedestal?

Our countries issue is that we have been so use to blaming other things, people and issues and not taking responsibility for ourselves that have caused this type of movement..

Really? The girl can't go to college because daddy won't pay for it? Oh boy, cry me a fucking river. I never did finish college because I couldn't afford to pay myself and yet with all my determination, ability to learn and adapt I'm made quite a good life for myself instead of pissing and moaning about how someone "else" couldn't do it for me.

Grow the fuck up, take some responsibility for your actions and by all accord quit blaming your ills/problems/hemorrhoids on someone else..

Jesus Fucking Christ In Heaven.. Fuck, fuck fuck..