Originally Posted By: Tasorin
What is your point? So you are saying that because they don't fit the social norms therefore they should be marginalized?

America, where you are only an American if we say so, and if you aint like us, then we aint saying so.

Do I think a fair percentage of them are nut bags and fruit jobs? Sure, but they have a point. Economic disparity that has run rampant since Regan and his boys came to power has tilted the American Dream on its axis.

Just remember Kaotic, you and I, and most of us here, we are not the Norm either...

Everybody doesn't need to go to college. The world needs ditch diggers and waitresses.

So before Regan there were no Really rich people???

Cornelius Vanderbilt may have been the richest person ever.
When he died he was said to have 1 out of every 20 dollars in circulation and in the stock market. So I assume Regan traveled back in time to do this.

You are right they have the right to do what they are doing. They will get no results, this isn't some third world despot.

There has always been a economic disparity in America, thats why there is an American Dream because everyone has a chance to become one. Everyone keeps saying the gap gets bigger but never see any proof. I am sure you can find some.