First of all, I agree about Janet Reno, well not that its the worst, but yes that it was pretty damn bad. I also remember Ruby Ridge, the legislative assaults on our gun rights, the constant stories of the ATF storming and trashing the houses of innocent gun owners and much much more. Like I've said previously, I'm not a Democrat.

The recent tactics are different, and have more to do with setting bad precedents, and the setting up of a survielance state. Hell, once your on one of the govts "bad lists" like the no-fly, just try getting yourself off of it. Noone can, except the wealthy and influential, and even they can have difficulty.

Where to go from here?

Well, just imagine Janet Reno with the kinds of unchecked survielance and detention powers currently being enjoyed by that lapdog Gonzales.

I remember, better than most.

The groundwork, in the name of fighting terrorism, is being cleary and plainly laid right now to empower a bigger, badder Janet Reno, one who will be able to label innocent people a "domestic terrorist" and detain them with evedence noone ever gets to see or hear.

If it can plausibly happen in govt, it will. If you depend on the wisdom, objectivity, and personal integrity of govt officials to not abuse easily abusable powers, you are going to be dissapointed about every time. I think you know that as much as I do. Just because you dont mind Bush having these powers, are you so sure you dont mind Hillary having them?