Interesting comments regarding Academia...

TBH such distrust and hatred of Academia isnt healthy. Should I also mention the so called "Patriot Act" that some here seem so fond of was largly written by a teaching prof. named Veit Dinh? There are also plenty of instances of conservative profs.

Heck I remember one prof I had in particular, a philosophy prof as a matter of fact, who was not only very rational intelligent, and open ideologically in his classroom who was
a member of Christian organizations. He was also fairly conservative in his private views. I also had some more liberal professors as well ofc.

However the idea that Academia is some sort of bastion of ignorance, or even liberalism is fairly erronious. Or rather, to say it is "only" a bastion of liberalism would be quite false, there is an enormous spectrum of thought on a great many campuses.

And honestly, most profs I have encountered have been reasonably intelligent or better, and often very well informed. Quite often extremely well informed and researched, especially where their subjects were concerned.

Most of them encouraged disagreement and open thought, as long as such was backed by good logic and expressed well, and utilized available facts. Because that is their job - to help develop those capabilities in their students.

Sure, there are exceptions. Academia also has its share of issues and problems in different places, like any other institution. That doesnt make it worthless. Far from it.