
Yeah, it obviously a big deal, but its irrational to sacrifice liberty for it. In fact, the goal of terrorism of this type is to intimidate and change a society through use of fear. In other words, we are losing, no matter how many terrorists we kill, simply by closing our society and forsaking our former ideals.

I keep hearing this, but I really haven't seen any concrete evidence that it is happening. There's a lot of hand wringing, wailing, and gnashing of teeth about what MIGHT happen. Yeah, well someday, pigs MIGHT develop the ability to fly, and Democrats MIGHT become credible with respect to national defense. Personally, I think that the pigs are a better bet.

There's an old saying, "It seems that fascism is always threatening to fall on America, but for some reason, it keeps landing in Europe, instead."

Yes, it's something to be on the watch for, but in the meantime, we shouldn't just lie down and surrender, either.

In my opinion, the closest we got to a fascist state was when Janet Reno was the Attorney General under the Clinton Administration. What do you think Nancy Pelosi/Teddy Kennedy/John Kerry would have done if President Bush ran tanks through the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, and killed over 80 Americans like Reno did? Or how about the FBI sniper that Reno had kill Vicki Weaver at Ruby Ridge?

And you guys are soiling your trou over jihadis at Club Gitmo, and want to tell me that the Bush Administration is a threat to our civil liberties? That is some kind of serious bullshit.

To the everlasting glory of the infantry...

Owain ab Arawn
KGB Supreme Knight
King's High Council