I do look at what is going on on a daily basis. I am just not as good as stating my opinions as you and some others I tend to speak with bricks as you speak with quilted pens.

And America is great for the reasons you state but for so many more that can come out of your comment.

I also hate all the new ways to put people in groups like neo-cons.

Just look at history the same arguments have been going on for along time. Yes some new ones have come up but most are the same. Every president has been called the same thing over and over. But I am not going to listen to one side that blast away with half truths and outright lies. I look in between the lines.
I hear on one side how my life was better off with thier president but in truth no matter who has been in office my life has been getting better with each passing year.

I will now share a qoute from Thomas Jefferson
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free,in a state of civilization it expects what never was and never will be"

I found in my advance age that there are more stupid people in this country then I have ever expected could be in such a small area of the world.
Most people lock onto one side and stay there till they die. My question of why do dems and reps never agree on anything has alot to do with this. They know by keeping these people fighting each other will keep their partys alive and not give much chance to a 3rd or 4th party from getting power.

Breaking this cycle I think is the most important thing this country should do to save itself.

One last qoute. I love qoutes but they do come from the old guys.

"I am resolved to rise with the sun and to study the Scriptures on thrusday, friday, Saturday, and Sunday mornings. Noons and nights I intend to read english authors....I will rouse up my mind and fix my attention. I will stand collected within myself and think upon what I read and what I see. I will strive with all my soul to be something more then persons who have had less advantages than myself."
John Adams at the age of 20
John Adams was born into a poor farm family, and was in Harvard at the age of 15. So this proves that all young people are not stupid. So get off your asses and think for yourselfs.