Originally Posted By: Ictinike
Originally Posted By: Helemoto
I think Jet is dating Gloria Steinem.

But in the same sense Jet could say your married to Ann Coulter.

Not that I'm getting into this but one thing Jet stated above was that the majority of American's must feel the same way he did because they voted in the current President. I don't see it that way and more of a need for change, which was tactically, his slogan which I believe he ran on. Give anyone hope from what they were told and felt was a bad prior president/politics and the majority will flop. I don't believe it had as much to do with those programs specifically but rather something different is all.

Difference sometimes isn't a good thing and too much change at once in most cases is a bad thing. Our current leader, IMHO, has from day one wanted to concentrate on this health care bill to the point most everything else was ignored or put on the 2nd burner; that cannot happen.

Oh well never enough time these days to fully debate these.

Best wishes!

I also support this view. After 8 years of Bush insanity, people were ready for something different. The prospect of 4 more years of Bush was to much for too many people to swallow.

Hope quickly turned to despair though. Check Obamas campaign platform on Civil Liberties, then take a look at his policies. He is as bad as Bush, and has proven himself to be exactly like Bush. Happy to say whatever is necessary to get elected, then focuses solely on his own power and the interests of his friends once in office.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)