"I guess I dont understand. How you determine which churches are correct and which are not. What will happen to the people that are attending and worshipping in a false American church?" JET

He determines what is right and what is wrong based on his beliefs, same as you do.

Funny thing about Liberals that tell everyone they should be opened minded, they are the most closed minded people I know. They only tell you how opened minded you are only if you agree with them.

"What about jews, buddists and all of the other nations who are not a christian based nation as the U.S is suppose to be..

how can you say that they are gonna be turned down in his kingdom? I mean you as in the bible.."ELPH

Other religions have nothing to do with what he believes in.
When other people who die who do not believe in JC they will not be with him for eternity. They get to go somewhere else.