I have to get in on this one. It's in my nature laugh

I do not hold any persons beliefs against them. Everyone is different and their needs differ greatly
from my own. Some find peace with God, others with Science. Some never find it at all and wander
through life without a care.

Myself, I'm not a religious person. Never really have been despite the fact I grew up in a Southern
Baptist region. This isn't something that is brought up normally as it tends to cause issues within
my family, but it is what it is. I will not lie about it and, when asked, will answer honestly despite
the consequences the truth may bring about.

My thoughts on religion and the existence of an 'ultimate being' can be explained pretty easily. I try
to look at it from a logical standpoint vs an emotional one since the former has given me far better
results in my life than the latter. I'm more of a " show me the evidence " kind of person than someone
who can accept an explanation based on nothing more than belief or faith. I over-analyse everything.
It's who I am. It's how my mind works.

I have a saying. It goes something like this:

"The problem with being an all knowing entity, is the lack of experience that not knowing brings with it."

The basic concept being an entity who knows it all, cannot possibly understand the difficulties faced by
those who don't understand the most basic questions we have. Who am I ? Why am I ? What is my purpose ?
Do I even have one ? Why am I here ? People say Jesus led the perfect life. If there is any truth to
that, then I say he had a slight advantage over the rest of us in knowing what the final outcome would be.
He had a bit more knowledge of the universe than the common folk did laugh How different would his life have
been had his knowledge been on par with the rest of the species ?

Basic questions we have been asking since the dawn of time, none of which have ever been answered.
Likely never will.

A quick look at our history shows that religions have come and gone over time. Our beliefs are dictated
by what era we live in. Go back far enough, and your beliefs would be to any of the Egyptian, Norse, Native
American, Babylonian, Mayan or other lost cultures. While the names of the Gods changed, the core ideals
did not. Those being, of course, that this ( insert religion here ) is the only TRUE path. The rest are all
false and those who follow them are doomed.

In time, the current religions and beliefs will take their place in history as mythos with the others and
new ones will spring up to fill in the gap.

I have a hard time believing that, of the billions and billions of beings before us, we alone have been
given the keys to the kingdom and everyone else is doomed to an eternity of suffering for their ignorance.
It seems absurd to me.

Religion, in my opinion, is merely a means of control. At some point in history, folks started figuring
out you couldn't use death as a means to force their will upon someone else, so they turned to the afterlife.
Suffering for all eternity if you didn't accept the current word. Scared everyone into submission. It is a
very cunning method of control and one that has been refined very carefully over the years.

Again, I do not hold anyone at fault for whatever their beliefs may be. As long as they respect what I believe,
I will do the same. Don't have to like or agree with it, just have to accept it. Live and let live, as the saying
goes. If you found God and religion and are happy because of it, then I'm happy for you.

Me ?

I'll probably keep on questioning the why behind everything until the day I cease to be. I've been this way
for nearly four decades now. Without some divine intervention, it's unlikely to change.

Good luck to you Holrom.
