Originally Posted By: JetStar
Originally Posted By: Helemoto
Funny thing about Liberals that tell everyone they should be opened minded, they are the most closed minded people I know. They only tell you how opened minded you are only if you agree with them.

Thats funny:

1) I believe gay people should be able to get married, and yet I am not gay.
2) I am a strong supporter of a healthcare bill that I will not benefit from.
3) I support the extension of unemployment and I am not unemployed.
4) I support the scientific theory of global warming, yet dealing with it will not benefit me in anyway.

Need anymore examples?

No more needed you proved my point.

I will go one further gay and lesbians should be able to get married, I don't discriminate against women.

The health care bill may not benefit you but will cause a lot more damage then you think.

How long should unemployment be extended I believe its been 90+ months now. So how long should it be 150 months or how about 350 months, how long should we support them. I don't have a problem with unemployment but there has to be a limit.

You only support the scientist that say human made global warming is real, you don't support the scientist that say humans don't cause global warming even with the evidence they put out.

You don't support peoples belief in a higher power, you don't have to believe in but you debate and I am sure you ridicule them.

Another problem with liberals is that good intentions cause a lot of damage.