About what Drakiis was saying, sure, WoW brought a large number of players to the genre. Of the ones that were already playing MMOs though, I think WoW's success and appeal was timing more than the quality of their game. Except for EVE (which is pretty old itself, 2002?) every game out there with better gameplay than WoW is just far too old. The players have rolled and rerolled characters on them too many times to count.

And yeah, Jet is absolutely right, and that's why so many games are trying to just find a niche rather than be WoW-killers now. A few games like LotR tried and failed miserably. Games are better off catering to their couple thousand subscribers, and making a nice profit that way. Look at EVE, they've slowly been expanding their subscriber base since release, just recently they broke a concurrent-user record, they hit something like 27k, so let's say they have 60k members, that's about $900k a month, and they've been at it for six years or so now... that's a whole lot of mulah.

BoS Archon
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