I agree, it's always been my belief, a belief I've often preached about many times in the past, that gaming suffers at the hands of human nature. It is and has always been our own fickle tendencies to drive innovation to provide us with what we want. It is that primal psychological aspect of social interaction and community which dictates our passions, and in a gaming related context this is why the industry has been following the current trend. To provide what they think the larger majority wants based on sales figures and mass appeal.

Unfortunately just because 9 Million subscribers have bought into a specific idea or design element doesn't necessarily make it the best. The fact is many people that have ascribed to the notion that World of Warcraft is the pinnacle of game design only feeds the misconception that all games should be made this way, and ultimately most of these 9 million people do not have much gaming experience or mechanical understanding to know better. To realize these games have more potential as a social device or community resource then as just a loot fest dress up game.

Morphic sway rooms, virtual reality, and graphical interfaces will come with time as technologies improve at the steady pace we've all come to expect. Unfortunately the question begging to be asked is will human nature ever evolve past what it currently is and keep the same pace? Doubtful, the technological singularity in relation to Moore's Law does not specifically prove that mankind's ability to grow psychologically will match the growth of his intellect. Emotionally speaking mankind is fragile, and this means we invariantly build fragility into everything we make and anything we act upon.

Last edited by Drakiis; 04/05/08 03:42 PM.

I am Wrath, I am Steel, I am the Mercy of Angels.
mors est merces mea – death is my reward
morte in vitam non habet tenaci - Death has no grip on Life.
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