I am manager of what is called Game Support. I oversee all of the in-game monitoring, regulation, and administration of our products. If someone is cheating, hacking, stealing, botting, cursing, or if anyone needs a GM (Game Master) for any reason... my team is the one that you would call.

It's a fun job to be honest. A GM's job is involved with a little bit of everything... marketing, testing, design, business, support, operations, etc. We have the opportunity to work with every group on every game, and it's a good platform for my guys to move up in the industry.

I started back in 1997 on Ultima Online, and my first KGB experience was with Jetstar on Pacific who had called about another guild that was cheating.

(I'll answer the rest when I get some time at home this weekend... there are things that the game industry needs to do better at, but also some very practical reasons about why it is the way it is.)