After rereading Jets original comments I noticed that I erred in my own commentary, the real issues you touch on jet is todays game design, something well out of our personal ability to control.

I hate to spam, especially when quoting myself, though certain things just can't be said any other way. Please excuse the lengthiness of this post, you have been warned.


Rogue Gamers Manifesto


Shadowy images close about you as you read this, devious concepts, mingled with fool proof money making trends, with a sprinkling of lackluster design have brought about the dark age of gaming. With the influx of game cloning and compartmentalization, unique and creative game design seems on a decline. This combined with high value Intellectual Properties, various "enhancements" toward balance, built-in safety features and tutorials for those without common sense or the ability to problem solve and learn has given massive multiuser game design a bad reputation.

Gaming as we know it may be crying out for change from things like isolationism, grind gaming, and itemcentricity. A Utopian game is many different things to many different people, and is by no means ever been a perfect industry but there is hope. There have been failures and successes, but how we determine this is what's at question, and why there are those hidden in the dark recesses of the gaming community who fight to bring about a renaissance.

Why should you care? Simple, because you are a consumer and have rights to a quality product that delivers on it's advertised purpose. Would you buy a bottle of aspirin if it didn't cure a headache? Though I believe that there is an even deeper reason why, you are human, by definition a social creature and part of a community of like minded people. You play these games for entertainment yes, but it is an investment both in time and money regardless of how trivial it may seem.

Game companies are laughing all the way to the bank at what they perceive to be an indulgent, and decadent group of social misfits. As they rake in millions of dollars each year as you buy up their various game related merchandise and mass marketed super MMO's, they are using the bare minimum of the resources dedicated to producing a quality experience when compared to the social dynamics. Ever wonder why many companies merge or fold? Because there is a terrible monster out there, big business. They want the entire pie chart and are willing to devour all who oppose them. The small independents have only the slimmest of chances against such a foe, and it's these niche companies which are our future hope. The larger companies concern for vast wealth to appease shareholders, executives, and support partners is all about keeping the great money engine churning out proven design.

Risk taking is only an option after intense market research gives the OK, this is why I don't do questionnaires anymore, let them figure it out on their own and stop over analyzing my gaming tendencies. We are not lab rats, we are an ARMY! In opposition to the oppressed market, restrictive design, monitored communities, and enforced labor camps which are in essence what treadmills regardless of their design really are. Don't you often feel like there is a GM behind every bush? I keep waiting for the fun police to show up and make sure me and my guys aren't having that is. Where are the prison guards with shotguns in this huge social experiment? Can I get a orange jumpsuit please, preferably with a +40 Armor mod thanks.

But I digress, GM's have a place at the table sure, and I've known many good souls filling those shoes. It's not their fault and I am not meaning to pick on that group, they have enough problems all their own.

Perhaps I should just end by being blunt, you will always have support from those of us who are in the Revolution Army, walking the warriors path is difficult, but without those here fighting in the trenches all you'll ever have to look forward to is World of Everclone.

A somewhat overly dramatized piece I previously wrote elsewhere. For the sake of saving you all from my ramblings, you can read my other thoughts on this matter here;

I am Wrath, I am Steel, I am the Mercy of Angels.
mors est merces mea – death is my reward
morte in vitam non habet tenaci - Death has no grip on Life.
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