Rofl Drak i remember cos had a shit load of guys and we couldnt compete skill or number wise. Not only that CoS also had a year up on everyone playing the game considering 80% of our force just started that game.

Now binbs if we had a core group like later on when we had our 10 guys that could massacre 3-4 groups im sure cos would have any type of chance against us later on in sb days. I mean it was only a matter of time before we caught up to them in skill but to start they had our number for the first 2-3 months of the game.

Also we lost our town because we had idiots leading in sb at the time yes im saying it vuldan and the IC didnt know wtf was going on. Leaving doors unlocked in raids and shit was just a bad start but later when holrom/binbs took over it all changed and we was the dominate force.

Former KGB Order of the Paladins
Former KGB Champion
Former General(G4)UO
Former General(G3)UO
Former General(G2)UO
Former General(G1)UO
Former Knight Captain in UO
Former Knight Commander in UO
Former Member of SB,Wow,Aoc
Founder Of Chop Choppers