This is what PRX thought of those days...


DAoC was the first game to keep score and we proved to be the best in gaming. Shadowbane took this one step further, and now your entire city and way of life would be at stake. It was time to get it on in the most hardcore pvp game ever and when the fighting stopped on two servers, we were the driving PvP force behind the most dominant nation in SB history, the Covenant of Swords.

We began in beta with about 6 accounts at a time when roughly 80% of the beta population was in a PK alliance called "The Burning Legion" and the other 20% were good at being their victims. We became victims ourselves when our first city, "Hartford" was destroyed in an 8 hour battle (6 accounts vs 80% of the server) vs the Legion. It was our last city ever to fall for the entirety of our time in Shadowbane (2 years).

At this point we joined forced with the "lovable losers" of CoS, the Covenant of Swords. Together we took on the Burning Legion and their allies in subsequent beta builds. At first, our victories were just surviving, being able to beat them back from siege after siege and keep our cities intact. As Beta wore on and we got more accounts and the world population grew, we were able to take this defensive posture and turn offensive, burning and baning many of the Burning Legion cities, along with fighting another large PK nation, DHL, who was now our enemy. At the end of beta, CoS, of which we were the most aggressive combat force, was the best.

At final, we went to Treachery as part of CoS. In a nutshell, we turned that server into a ghost town. Our first world war was with Redemption, led by Kirel Redhand, and KGB. Both of our nations had roughly the same population (based on server and account statistics) and within short order we crushed them and took over their land.

Our second world war was against Combine, KGB and their nation, Combination. Their nation had a population of 2400 compared to our 2000 (a 20% advantage) and they filled the forums with endless shittalk about "flattening us like pancakes". 2.5 days later found all their cities in ruins and Combine quitting as we hit them like a ton of bricks and showed them who makes the best breakfast.

Our third world war was against some traitors from CoS and KGB, and the entire rest of the server who was tired of choosing the wrong side and attempted to destroy us once and for all. They had 3200 members to our 1600 (2 to 1) and yet in a week of heavy war, we had destroyed close to 20 of their cities and they fell apart. Battles of 250 v 250 or 200 v 300 were commonplace. After this third world war, the server's population plummeted.

During all three of these world wars, spanning months of gaming, our city, Wainwright, was only breached for a TOTAL of 20 minutes. All other attacks were crushed.

With almost noone to fight, we played other games for a while until it was time for Corruption. This new Shadowbane server was to bring the best of the best from all servers to fight it out and see who was the big dog. Again, we showed, as part of CoS, that we were. Ironic that R30s, the old Buring Legion (led by SiN), did not come as themselves since they had just been banned en masse for duping on their old server, Scorn.

As CoS, allied with Defenders of Honor, we soon found ourselves in a world war vs Facultus Ultrimque, Scorned Death (Stargod led group of the game's most notorious dupers, hackers, and all around punks), and DHL. The numbers were even and the battle was long and hard. PRX was always leading the way, eventually cracking their defenses by destroying FU's city, and in an enormouse climactic battle with over 500 players participating for close to 6 hours, we destroyed Scored Death's fortress to end the war. From here Shadowbane lost it's appeal as Corruption became a ghost town from the shittalkers quitting in defeat and we moved to another game. CoS was the greatest nation in Shadowbane's history and we were a proud part of that as their most potent fighting force.

I am Wrath, I am Steel, I am the Mercy of Angels.
mors est merces mea – death is my reward
morte in vitam non habet tenaci - Death has no grip on Life.
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