Heh so I take a look at that blog. Let me say that their counterclaims are really really .... REALLY poor.

A couple of points may be correct, but they are not particularly important to the main points, and in some cases I can testify that the counterpoints are 1): often taken out of context, 2) sometimes outright false, and 3) often something they "claim" was said or claimed by loosechange, was in fact NOWHERE TO BE FOUND IN THE DOCUMENTARY.

Frankly the gross innaccuracies, and blatant ignorance on the part of the screw loosechange blog seriously throws into doubt its credibility. More like someone wants to be half assed, and get praise from people who dont know better for being the great guys to "debunk conspiracy theories".

"Look at me folks, many people dont like something someone labels as a conspiracy theory, so I get to look cool for my friends, and everyone tells me they love me. Except for those nutcases who watch X-files and think something might be different than Fox/CBS reported" - This previous paragraph sums up my opinion of that blog.

Loosechange may well not have gotten everything right. I dont doubt that in some cases its far from perfect (I could think of a handfull of such places when I watched it)but it still does a very good job overall.

In this case, the debunkers are gonna have to try harder.