
If anyone is serriously considering Hillary as a viable option for president, I suggest you do a search on a Florida attourney named Jack Thompson, Hillary is backing his 'holy war'. He is dead set in his mind that ALL video games are evil and train those who use them to become merciless killers. I'm all for a female president, I just don't want anything to do with any caddidate male or female that wants to target my video games.

Also, while yes we should focus more on American problems, the UN should have done what we did in Iraq years ago. It's sad that the US is the only country that stood up and actualy had the balls to say 'enough is enough, this villian has to be brought to justice.' We should support our troops and be proud that they are there fighting for what we beleive in. They are there, because they are in the millitary. It's a life they chose to go into. I think it's horrible how civilian people want to do the same thing now they did in Vietnam and not support our troops. Every time someone says we need to leave Iraq, we're insulting our millitary personal who are risking their lives to try and bring some stability to a land that's been chaotic far too long. Not to mention if we were to just up and leave now, the new Iraq government would prolly collapse with out our help and the neighboring countries would carve it up for themselves.

its not so much that we don't support our troops, i mean the idea of going to war for your country is very honorable, extremely and rightly so deserves its own platform of respect. but when there is a clouded horizon about the reasons in which we are involved and the powers at be doing nothing to provide light instead enshrouded themselves into more mysticism, only to achieve their own ends. anyone thats watched more then 3 presidential press conferences that retain about the war will realize that they are extremely vague and seem to shine with hidden agendas in the back corners of their gaze. i admire the soldiers that go to war so that i can have a solid way of life to live in but i hate the people that send them to a war that seems to only provide a way for them to feed off the strength and courage of the valiant.

Your right if we did pull out parts of the middle east would probably cave in but I don't think that the soldiers that are there will find it very facinating if the US forces them to stay there until democracy has gotten a strong threshold in the middle east. It's not going well to say the least and I strongly doubt democracy will hold too long once the US decides to pull out for good. I think those men don't deserve to be there, it's an injustice to them and to their families. At some point your going to have to ask yourself
" Does the end justify the means or does the means justify the end?" Hum..macabre was it i can't remeber.