Well regarding 9/11, the 2 biggest things that are actually provable are as such:

1) Whatever hit the pentagon was not a jumbo jet.

2) What crashed in Pennsylvania wasnt a jumbo jet.

The idea that explosives went off in the main towers is possible, but not in my mind provable. And if it was proven, whos to say that it wasnt a terrorist working as a janitor or something that planted them.

The other main loose end that drives a wedge on the whole scenario though is why did world trade #5 fall.

But back to the 2 main points.

I did some follow up research on plane crashes, and have to conclude along with loosechange that there is in fact no way
jumbo jets were at the crash sites at the Pentagon and Penn.
It actually struck me as odd watching it at the time, but I remember thinking that the Penn site where they were reporting at, was just somewhere close. In fact I recall clearly one of the live anchors saying as much. However it turns out that it was, in fact, the site of "the main crash".

I know the footage used in loosechange wasnt faked as well, because i was watching 90% of it live at the time it aired, having a computer and multiple TVs.

I also remember vividly the incident at the airport in Cleveland, both from reporting, and because someone I knew at the time was set to fly out of there, and was present at the airport during the hubbub. He said it was right strange.

Does any of this point a finger conclusivly at anything specific? No, not necesarrily, those who were said to be responsible, could, theoretically, have used slightly different means than reported in some cases and had the misreported stories stick for one reason or another. Maybe the terrorists really did get ahold of a missile somehow, I can see why the govt might not have wanted that kind of news to spread if true.

But what I remember most clearly from the aftermath, is the
stop for the search for truth in the public mass media, and a uniform switchover to the "story", and anyone who questioned anything at the time was quickly labelled as un-patriotic as the drums of war began to mark the marching cadence of the nation.

It was unsettling, but I still was taking the "official" 9/11 story mostly at face falue for a good deal of time. Thinking initially that the Neo-Conservative factions in the
Executive branch were simply taking good advantage as the Nation was set upon Iraq. However with new information and background, and a closer re-evaluation, I now harbor the darkest of suspicions regarding what happened.

The only defense I have ever seen from anyone (not a verbal counter-offensive, but a real defense) is that why would any american do something like that, harbor or abet anything like that. Well I can think of billions of reasons, hundreds of billions of them actually.

History has proven for the last several thousand years, that with the type of money and power that revolved around the whole incident, noone no matter how friendly appearing or normally upright-appearing of character can be held as beyond suspicion.

If any consortium of individuals on this planet can be said
to be theoretically capable of pulling off a shady conspiracy, well lets just say the profits in both money and power would have been worth every bit of effort and expense in this case.