I agree Vuldan, definitely this is a signature of a much LARGER problem.

So, what does KGB BDO need. Well, first, close the faction now. Period.

After having an Officer meeting last night we let JetStar know that we would like to move the faction to CLOSED; which he agreed and posted. So that being said and done, hopefully we will continue to grow and get more KGB folks online!


Second, it needs a more focused group of KGB with an understanding of the game mechanics. Im talking to anyone who might be interested, currently in KGB and not playing this title. The game is intense and deep, but worth a second look.


We have already seen some vets returning and had some excited NEW players join in the fun. I do hope to see more familiar faces of the past pickup BDO and give it a TRY at least. We have plenty of folks who can toss out 7-day passes to folks whom are willing. Hop into TeamSpeak - or PM me and we can get you a code to try the game out.

Thanks for the kudos about our folks in-game now. I do feel that is what make our BDO Faction so strong, our members working together.

Regarding the past issues of BDO; I would prefer to just leave them there... in the PAST. The folks whom left (some of which are no longer in the KGB) departed for their own reasons. As far as I am concerned we are picking up with what we have and moving forward. Just as Zombiez mentioned, I am not sure how we will given the current state of KGB - but I do have hope that we can affect a change and move towards a better/supportive community TOGETHER.

Who did/said what/when... some time ago? Doesn't REALLY matter - today is today, tomorrow is tomorrow. Let's make it count! Let's work TOGETHER to make it happen!

United we stand - divided we fall!


"Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together."
- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers